Feel for the nation,
Mumbai Attack hurt you,
Want to write about it,
Want to have your say in the Symposium,
Want to make your voice heard,
Go Ahead!
Write an article on any one of the following topics:
2. Is Jago Party a better option than other political parties of
Just remember these simple entry rules:
1. Publish the entry on your blog and mail it to latent.dissent@gmail.com or pos
t the link on the symposium notice form on jagobhopal.blogspot.com
2. Send the entry directly to latent.dissent@gmail.com or jagobhopal@gmail.com along with your name.
3. The date of entry is from 22 december to
1. Vidhu.
2. Aadya. (response received!)
3. Uday Kant Dixit.
4. Gurleen Kaur. (response received!)
5. Ashish Menon.
6. Shehla Masood. (response received!)
7. Rajey Sha.
8. Renu Sharma.
9. Amitabh Farogh.
10. S M Shukla.
11. Chaitanya Chandan.
12. D K Sachdeva. (response received!)
13. R D Saxena. (response received!)
14. Gaurav Bhatnagar. (Sorry buddy misspelled in the message!)
15. Proloy Bagchi. (response received!)
16. Sharat Rajmohan Verma.
17. Ritesh Agrawal.
This is not an exhaustive list of the bloggers who have written on Mumbai Terror Attack, I know I might have missed many of you and your ideas, so kindly accept this as a personal invitation for participating in the Symposium.
Latent Dissent (who is Waiting for True Indians).
Respected Sir,
i just read your invite and i seriously want to do things in this context but there is one problem.It is already 10:30 and apparently I am leaving for Kolkata tommorow at 7 am. it will be really difficult for me to write something in this short period of time as the date of my return is 30th and the last day of submission is 28th. please let me knoe as to what i shall be doing. i don't want to miss such a chance but I don't have any other option.
Aadya Ji,
Thanks for responding and sorry that I didn't read your message in time.
I started with the belief that the Youth of India can make a difference and you have proved me right.
You have already shown the intention of working for our country, it does not require 24 hours a day but only a couple of hours of honest thinking followed by necessary action, if we all start doing this there will be no stopping us as a nation.
As for your entry your message is enough for it but if you like to submit an entry go ahead write it and inform me, I will add it to the symposium listing.
Thanks again for responding and all the best for all your endeavours.
Latent Dissent.
सूचीबद्ध करने तथा भागीदारी के आमंत्रण के लिए धन्यवाद !
प्रोफेशनल व्यस्तताओं के चलते अपने विचारों का गुबार निकाल पाना इतना सहज नहीं होता | फिर भी मुझे प्रसन्नता होगी यदि मैं आपके मंच का समय समय पर इस्तेमाल कर सकूँ | ब्लॉग के माध्यम से ख्याली जुगाली करने वालों कों राजनीतिक मंच की शायद ही जरूरत हो | फिर भी आपका प्रयास एक सकारात्मक उपलब्धि में तब्दील हो, यही कामना है |
Thank you Sir for responding and you are most welcome to guide us in this mission through your writings. I will certainly follow your blog but you can also inform me about something worth knowing or reading for the cause.
Thanking you once again.
Latent Dissent.
this is sincere approach towards a civized and a vigil India ..i do appriciate ..
but do request to enhance the submisssion dates considering the examination point of view!..jst make it till 1st of january i will greatly obliged..
Thanks for responding and appreciating the cause.
You may submit the entry on 1st Jan, a new year, a new beginning.
And all the best for your exams.
Latent Dissent.
visit www.alagsoch.blogspot.com
Thank you Sir for your support to this cause.
Latent Dissent.
I just found this comment on Mr. Bagchi's blog:
Proloy Bagchi said...
Thanks for the invitation to join the Jago Party. I am afraid, it is too late in the day for me to join an active political outfit. I write only when I am provoked to do so by events. If my readers empathise with me the purpose of my efforts would be amply served. That, I suppose, would help in fostering creation of the intended opinion among the people
Thank you Sir for responding. We need help and guidance of our elders in this mission.
Latent Dissent.
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